Special projects in Academic Policy include policy development, guidance, or implementation practices within the university or between the university and it partners and stakeholders. This work is undertaken with the engagement academic leaders and partnering University departments in order to facilitate and university wide response and consistent implementation. Examples of Special projects include:
- General Education tuning and decoupling
- Associate of Liberal Studies (stop-out option)
- Microcredentials
- Prior Learning Assessment and Credit for Prior Learning
- Faculty reporting system review (Watermark DMAI)
- Gauranteed Admissions
- Single GPA
- Intercampus enrollment
- Military Credit Satisfactory Academic Progress mitigation policy
- STEM CIP Code analysis of IU degrees
- Gradaute School reorganization
- Academic Program Inventory
- Statewide Transfer and Articulation Committee
- Credential Engine
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Tuition Reciprocity
- NC-SARA (The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements)
- Parchment
- e-Transcripts and Comprehensive Learner Record
- Campus mimssion statements
- Multi-state Collaborative on Military Credit
- Statewide Transfer General Education Core/Indiana College Core
- Dual Credit (including Teacher Credentialing)
- High School Graduation Pathways (with IDOE)
- AAC&U's Liberal Education & America's Promise (LEAP) Quality Collaborative
- Open Educational Resources (MHEC)
- Taxonomy of Academic Terminology
- Degree program granularity and expansion
- Cybersecurity Survey
- Governor's Workforce Cabinet
- Cambridge International College Credit acceptance
- Pandemic response policies (distance education)